adpi sisterhood
Academic excellence is of the utmost importance to the sisters of Alpha Delta Pi. Sisters are actively encouraged to excel in their studies at the University of British Columbia or wherever their studies may take them. We never lose sight of the fact that education is a top priority for our members. Alpha Delta Pi places a strong emphasis on scholarship with the aim of fostering each individual's determination for academic success.
On a weekly basis, sisters are rewarded for their academic achievements and we are always happy to help each other with school work. We recognize our members for their high academic achievements, as well as for demonstrating an improvement in their study habits and attitudes towards their education.
Through planned study hours, study tips, campus resources, and the help of our sisters, our Chapter consistently achieves a competitive GPA with both the campus-wide and Panhellenic averages.
Megan mauro
Director of Academic Affairs
As a member of the Beta Kappa Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi, you are challenged academically, encouraged to explore your interests, task risks, embark on opportunities and ultimately find the reason why you came to UBC. Through this, I personally have learned that there is so much more to university then just writing research papers and memorizing key concepts. ADPI is a constant support system that not only challenges you, it supports you in the journey to discovering your path and identity.
ADPI’s are committed to high academic standards and to that of each other’s. The academic support throughout this chapter is truly amazing and one of the favourite things about being the Director of Academic Affairs. No matter what, or when there is always someone who will go study with you at any hour of the day, peer edit your essay, or share a spot in an overcrowded library. As part of my position, I host weekly study halls, run fun study incentives and inform members of campus career fairs, workshops and scholarship opportunities. In addition, we create and coordinate faculty-specific groups allowing members to connect by sharing notes, advice or even tutoring one another. If at any point in time a sister is struggling academically, we have personalized programs in place to ensure they receive the help, resources and support they need.
Being a member of ADPI and having sisters with such inspiring academic careers at UBC has been an absolute privilege. Watching them ace graduate school entry exams, take-on their own research projects, do the impossible to get the summer internship of their dreams, or simply work endless hours to achieve the grades they wish for.
Beyond all ADPI commitments, at the end of the day being the best scholar you can comes first. To all my present or future sisters, I hope ADPI is a place that fosters and fuels your academic pursuits and pushes you to be the best person you can be all the way to graduation and beyond.